The 75-seat library is the main information centre of the Cupertino de Miranda Foundation. The library´s mission is to gather information and make it available to users interested in very different areas of knowledge.
The approximately 59,000 volumes included in its collection are spread over 8 rooms. Some topics stand out, namely literature on Camilo Castelo Branco (primary and secondary sources), Camões, Art, and manuscripts and documents on Louro. Today, particular emphasis is given to the Surrealist Movement, with the personal archives and libraries of Cruzeiro Seixas, Ernesto Sampaio, and Mário Cesariny.
Some rare editions are particularly relevant: one of Emilio Biel’s twelve richly bound parchment editions of Os Lusíadas, marking the third centenary of the Poet´s death, as well as a copy of Cento Tavole del Codice Resta.
The catalogue is accessible on the Porbase5 Integrated Information System.
The library is equipped with three user workstations (three computers) and offers wireless internet access. It has a corner where people can read newspapers and magazines.
Thematic exhibitions are held on prominent personalities from the world of arts and on various topics always aiming at promoting knowledge.